Samstag, 3. April 2010

Kennen Sie den Unterschied zwischen 'Processing time', 'Throughput', 'Durchlaufzeit' und LEAD-time?

Erst die Tage hatte ich ein Gespraech mit meinem LEAN Lehrer. Gerne teile ich mit Ihnen unsere Inhalte:

(or Durchlaufzeit in Deutsch genannt), is the time needed to put some product through one process, or the time from the very first step until the conclusion.

Imagine you put a stopwatch on a product 'x' and start it at station 1, locking it again at the last station. Pass auf, throughput is not the same as processing time! Throughput includes all the time (waiting, buffer, supermarket, ...) and processing time is just the assembly time.

Lead time is the Throughput plus the time needed to process the order from the customer and transportation to deliver the product. In other words, is the time needed from the customer order until the delivery on the customer hands.

Throughput time is a production point of view, lead time is a customer point of view.
You can use both, depending on what you need to control or improve...."

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